Not sure that you can carve one hour a week out of your busy schedule to devote to Eucharistic Adoration?

Consider this: St. Francis of Assisi, St. Pope John Paul II and St. Teresa of Calcutta spent at least one or more hours each day in front of the Blessed Sacrament. There are 168 hours in one week - surely you can commit to just one hour to spend in the real presence of Christ, praying, adoring, and showing Him your love.


You will feel God’s love for you and grow in deeper love for him.

Adoration is powerful protection against spiritual attack.

Holy hours strengthen family life.

You will gain peace and clarity

Just as you can’t be exposed to the sun without receiving its rays, neither can you come to Jesus exposed in the Blessed Sacrament without receiving the divine rays of his grace, his love, his peace.

Every parish in this area provides some scheduled hours of Adoration. You may be longing for the opportunity to spend time with Jesus but are unable to attend Adoration at your parish because of your schedule. Perpetual Adoration was implemented to meet the needs of individuals just like you!

If you are hesitant to commit to a regularly scheduled hour each week because your work schedule is erratic or you know that you will have unavoidable absences, here are some options to consider:

  • Find a prayer buddy. Talk to your Catholic friends and see if one of them will sign up with you. You can go to Adoration together or you can work out a schedule where at least one of you will be present each week. You can cover each other in cases of illness or emergency.

  • You can’t find anyone? There are hours of Adoration that have only one Adorer scheduled. When you sign up, select one of those hours. Introduce yourself to the other Adorer and exchange contact information. Just like you would with a friend, you can cover each other in case of illness or emergencies.

  • Go ahead and make the commitment. If you must miss a scheduled hour, you can request a substitute Adorer to take your hour.

If you are still hesitant to commit to a regularly scheduled hour per week, then sign up as a substitute Adorer. You will receive an email or text from someone needing a sub to cover his or her hour. You always have the option to not accept the sub request.  

Whether or not you sign up, you are always welcome to visit the Chapel to spend a few minutes praying, reading or just sitting with the Blessed Sacrament, knowing that you are in the presence of our Lord.

Want to know what other people think? Click here to find out. five reasons to signup. And click here for more information. - for seven reasons to go to Eucharistic Adoration. If you still have questions, click here for over 600 reasons to sign up for a Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration.